

Baby Jack {One Month!}

Baby Jack is officially one month old already! Life with two littles has gone by so very quickly and we are doing our best to soak it all in!

Jack has given us so many pleasant surprises in his short life so far. The timing of his conception was the very first surprise we received but couldn't have been more excited. We wanted our kids to be close in age but perhaps not thaaaaat close. Oh well  :) Our boys WILL be the best of friends!

His weight and hair color were next. Seriously, almost 9 lbs?!?! And Jack is most definitely Gary's baby. His dark hair is so stinkin' adorable. If you happen to see him on bath day which is usually the only day his hair doesn't look super greasy, you can see his frosted tips. I just can't get enough.

Now since we've been home, the surprises just keep coming. Jack is a pretty great eater and rarely, if ever, spits up. I think I've counted three times so far. THREE TIMES! Owen spit up all the time for quite awhile it seemed. One thing he does though is lets some drop out of his mouth as he drinks from his bottle. I'll take that any day over spitting up.

Jack also gave me goofy grins much earlier - on March 31! It was such a lovely surprise. He often gets SUPER distracted now during his morning feeding because he's so busy smiling at me. Today he only took 1oz! Silly boy!

LOVES: tracking our voices and lights, being held so he can look over our shoulder, walks with mommy, car rides


1-Month Mommy Guesses
Weight: 10 lb 9 oz
Height: 22 in

2-Week Appointment (3/26/2015)
Weight: 9 lb 8 oz
Height: 21.5 in

Newborn (3/6/2015)                  
Weight: 8 lb 14 oz           
Height: 21.5 in


Owen's Little Book of Names & Faces

I made Owen a very special Christmas present but haven't used it much because he still prefers to chew on books rather than read them. Now that he's on the cusp of speaking a few more words, we may bring this out for him to learn the names and faces of his dear family!

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