


I made beef tenderloin for our Christmas dinner.  I was soooo excited because making something that cost an arm and a leg makes me feel grown up.  Weird?  Probably.  So while Gary was at work I seared the meat on all sides, then stuck it in the oven at 425 degrees for 10 minutes.  At that point, I threw on some shallots and let the tenderloin cook for 30 minutes more.  While it was in the oven I attempted to be really crafty and make roasted garlic chedder biscuits (because Gary LOVES them, almost more than he loves me).  I think using a bag of mix rather than my own didn't work out so well.  Or perhaps it was the chicken broth I used.  Who knows, but they were definitely subpar.  When the tenderloin was done in the oven I let it rest while I made the realllllly good mustard sauce (and it was super easy!).  Using the beef pan with the shallots, I added chicken broth, balsamic vinegar, grainy mustard and dijon mustard.  When that was hot, bon appetit!  Sadly, the beef tenderloin was suuuuuper rare.  But at that point, everything was done, so we just stuck it in the microwave.  By the third day (of leftovers), the beef tenderloin was perfect.  We'll Definitely try this again!

While I was working yesterday, I asked the chef if he knew why my tenderloin wasn't done.  He suggested I get this awesome thermometer that can stick outside the oven so you don't have to open the door.  AWESOME!.

Oh and I burned my hand like an idiot.   I had to wrap my hand in ice for the entire night.  


Pre-Microwave don't worry...


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