

LA Candy

Today marks the 3rd day of complete Hills domination.  I haven't been able to stop watching the show.  I'm obsessed.

In other news, I do believe the person who cut my hair was on crack.  I got approx. 5 inches off and asked for layers.  It's a bit short, but all is well because it stillllll fits into a ponytail (thank god!).  However, when I finally got around to blowdrying/straightening it, I noticed a few things that only someone on crack would have done. 

1.  the two sides are not exactly the same length, but it's only noticeable to me.

2.  the layers are ALL over the place.  I should have said I wanted a uniform look and only .5-1 inch layers.  My fault...

3.  There is an underneath layer of hair that is a good inch shorter than the outer layers of hair.  Wow.  Who does that?

All in all, I'm fine with my hair cut because it was free, but honestly, hair is hair.  It will grow back and I will cut it again.  I just hope it looks decent for graduation and engagement pics ;)  We shall see.

Lastly, I googled how long it would take me to get home if I walked.  3 days 15 minutes.  Gary, see you in a few!

Now back to the Hills.

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