

2 months = 59 days.

We only have 2 months left until the big day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited! I really can't wait to get it over with (that sounds so bad!) but I just want to see all my ideas and thoughts in real life. I hope it doesn't look like circus, but if it does, my brain is to fault :)

Last week, Gary & I met with Jane of Jane's Cupcake Bugalow here in Decorah. She will be preparing our cupcakes and cheesecakes for the wedding. We will be trying an Italian Cream (hazelton & coconut), Black & White with a cream cheese filling and a yellow cake at our taste test next Friday. CAN'T WAIT!

How we came upon Jane is really fantastic and truly a blessing. A friend's mother (who is beyond awesome) was originally slated to make our desserts but the timing wasn't quite right. She just had surgery and won't be able to come, which was causing way too much stress on those desserts (not I :)!) On the day that Andrew called me to let me know this wouldn't work, I actually couldn't take the call because I was working the bridal show. We had gotten our booth set up earlier so we went around to see what else was at the show. The first booth we went to? Jane's Cupcake Bungalow. I took her card and info not really thinking anything of it. Little did I know that I'd be calling her the next week to set something up. It worked out PERFECTLY! Her price is right and the cupcakes look so professional and cute. I am excited for the taste test because that was the one thing I wasn't able to do at the bridal show.

Also of note = I got my dress last week! It arrived in the mail and I tried it on right away even though Gary was in the room. Don't worry, he didn't want to see it so he just turned around :). The top is a litttttttttle too big, which I did anticipate. Also kind of landing in my lap was the person I would be calling to do the dress fitting. Earlier last year, I randomly accompanied my future mother-in-law to a fitting consultation on her bike sportswear. That day, the seamstress was working on a dress she was literally making from scratch for a bride. It was so pretty! So when I knew my mom wouldn't want to do the fitting, I called up Robin. My consultation was TODAY and she said this would be the easiest wedding dress she has ever worked on. Sweet. I go back next Wednesday for the 1st fitting. I wouldn't be surprised if I am able to take it back that day.

The one thing that didn't go our way was Gary's wedding band. We ordered a size that didn't fit him! I was hoping that wouldn't happen but oh well. Luckily though, James Allen does free resizing. All I have to pay for is the send our package back. That, I can do :) I should be able to send it back tomorrow and the new ring, that BETTER FIT, will arrive within the next 2 weeks.

The last part of this post, I finally had my first good day at work. Meaning, I actually came back from work happy and in a good mood. That hasn't happened in I can't even count how many months. I was working as the hostess for the night and to say it didn't start out okay is an understatement. Within 15 minutes of me walking in, I had booked 18 people in reservations. Normally that is a good thing, but not when our only chef for the evening walks out in a huff. Talk about professional douschery. Who does that?????????? Anyway, our F&B director and his fiancee both know how to cook so they stepped in about 30 minutes after we opened. Luckily for us, only 2 people had come in at that point. We ended up being fairly slow in retrospect but when you have 3 big tables, 1 with 10 people, 1 with 6 (celebrating their WEDDING DAY!) and another of 7 people all within the same timeframe, it can be quite difficult. Russ and Natalie came out of it ON TOP and did a fantastic job. When people in the kitchen love what they do and have a good attitude, it shows in their food. People left the place happy and fully satisfied which hasn't happened in awhile. One person even said that it was the best walleye they had ever eaten. Wow. We are finally on our way up. That is exciting.

Peace out.

Ps: I have my 2nd interview on Friday! I HAVE TO GET THIS JOB! I can't imagine working anywhere else. I really can't. It would be a perfect fit for me. Also, I have this huge urge to go through ALL of my belongings and have them all in one location. I can't wait for that.

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