

First Friday {3} - Monday Edition

I know it's been a LONGGGG time. I've been tired, lazy, unmotivated...I promise that I'll try to be better :) (Oh and I don't have Friday off in June or July, ie: Monday Edition :))

Recent happenings:

1. Gary graduated! This was such a long time coming and I couldn't be more proud. I somehow forgot to pack my own camera so I freaked out a little until I took Gloria's camera :) Good thing I did because I sat right behind Gary and got some great photos. Too bad I can no longer locate the cord this particular camera needs to get them online. Guess that will have to wait. Oops.

Gary and I had a great time in Decorah. We arrived Friday evening and were able to sleep in on Saturday. We went to the caf for lunch, the whippy dip in the afternoon and ate our supposed "last" meal at the Hotel Winn. The food was amazing. Luckily, we still have some dollas left of the gift certificate so I'll be able to come back this summer. Get excited. When the world didn't end when we finished, we went up to Phelps Park for a bit. Then later on, we went for a walk. How cute :)

Sunday was a bit of a blur just with everything going on. I dropped Gary off at the gym while I went to go find a seat. I just about peed when I noticed the spot directly behind Gary was open. I took out my book and read while waiting for Gary's parents to arrive. They never did. Why? Gary never told them where I was. Oh well :) The ceremony started 15 minutes early which turned out to be the best idea because it started sprinkling right after. The ceremony itself was fine because the weather was great. No sun, a slight breeze, awesome. We then went to lunch and then left right after that. Somehow we missed all of the tornadoes (thank God!)

2. Gary and I went to our first prenatal appointment. Nothing too exciting there but we confirmed the due date (which I already knew) and we got to hear the heartbeat!! He/she is at a solid 150 beats/minute. We go back on June 14. I am so hoping we can take an ultrasound, but we'll have to see.

3. I move down to Decorah (for LSM) on Thursday, June 16. I am so excited! Work has been super busy which is great but I still feel like there is something I'm missing. Let's hope not!

On tap for today? Dishes, cleaning, eating, Bachelorette?? At least there is something to look forward to :)

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