

I had an omelet today.

That's when my day started looking up.

I woke up a bit earlier than normal today but not as early as it could have been. **Cough cough** 4 am? No thanks. I woke up at 6:15 and gladly took my time in the shower and was able to watch a bit more Parenthood than normal. That was all fine and dandy. Then I went off to work. I worked on finishing up my very first advertisement using Adobe InDesign. I am very proud of myself. I can see a future in that...

Right after I submitted the ad, I got super tired and was feeling really weird which is just an easy way of saying "LAZY!" I pushed through though and got quite a bit done. Everyone else in the office went to lunch early but like I said, I powered through and waited until 12:30. I then had to decide, "do I want that cold pizza in the fridge or should I chance going downstairs."

I chose to be daring.

It paid off.

OMELET from goody goodness was what I had for lunch. Ham, cheese AND heirloom tomatoes. Boy was that good.

And then, after another bout of feeling lazy, my boss let us all leave the office early because we had all worked so hard for the end of the fiscal year (today).

So, I am home and Gary is doing the dishes. And to top it all off? Gary and I decided to go to an Irish bar tonight for some good ol' fish and chips.

Life is good.


be awesome.

Thinking about past versions of myself, I've come to realize just how sad I am. I've been pretty down lately with everything that has been taking up space in my brain. Gary and I are planning a major life change but that in and of itself is stressful. Work is stressful for very different reasons. Life is stressful. I am so stressed out that I barely sleep. I cry a lot. I hardly laugh or smile. I'm not passionate about things. With all that said, I am excited to be happy again. I see a light at the end of the tunnel but the tunnel is really, reallllly long.

I need to stop being sad/stressed/depressed/etc and start being awesome. (at one point, I really thought I was!)


In another life I'd be....

a computer programmer. hands down would have made my 8-hour work day a LOT better.

Back in the grind tomorrow.

Prayers for tomorrow:

1. I hope I found the right how-to guide
2. I hope that both tech parties will help me
3. I hope that it becomes resolved quickly and efficiently
4. I hope that I don't have to touch this problem again for a very long time.
5. a very long time.


Making the Rounds

I have successfully watched all seven seasons of the Gilmore Girls, the first season twice PLUS 1 episode from season 2 of Parenthood and have started the second disc of season 1 of Friday Night lights. Just making the rounds is all. Next up: Grey's and HIMYM of course :) Now if only we could watch Suits and Dexter...

Besides having no life, I have actually been quite busy. Gary and I went on our little dinner date on Friday:

Took in the Saint's Game on Saturday. There were dogs and they WON!

And then we topped it all off with the MN State Fair on Sunday.
This fish looks PISSED!

So do I! I swear I wasn't upset but it sure looks like it...I was just eating a free cheese stick!

Martha's Cookies. Enough said.

Project Baby Quilt {8}

Like I said - EXCITING!

I can't wait to see this thing all put together. I'm not quite sure what to do now though....

Progress as of today :)


First Friday {4}

The "First Friday" blog post has made a comeback! Technically speaking, this is the 5th First Friday but August 5 was not a good day. It was the day after finding out that Emma had spina bifida. Gary and I were too scared to really enjoy anything. But alas, September's First Friday arrived and I had some pretty lofty dreams. I spent Friday figuring out everything I wanted to do/buy and created this list:

You can see I planned quite a few things :) I thought I could do all this while Gary was at work. To say I was excited is an understatement.

Gary and I then went to Hard Rock for our dinner date. We told each other that once his first pay check arrived, that is what we'd do. It was delicious. As was his paycheck. I'm so proud!!

With a long to-do/buy list looming, I gave Gary a ride to his first appointment. As I was driving away, it was then I realized that I FORGOT to take the debit card from him. I forgot. All my lofty dreams came to a screeching halt. Sad day. I didn't want to lose my motivation momentum so my list turned into this:

Not as much fun but as you can imagine, crossing these things off is quite nice.

Here are pictures to prove it :)

Notice that "shower" has yet to be crossed off. Normally, I would consider 3pm a little too late to even consider showering for the day. BUT. Gary, Gary's dad, and myself have plans to go to the Saint's game tonight. I'm excited. $1 beers. Bring it. I now have to go fetch some laundry so I can fully cross out LAUNDRY!! 6 loads is way too many. If I had more quarters, I'd make it 7. Oh wells.


What's for Dinner {1}

Pinterest also gave me the motivation to start trying new recipes again. We've gotten in a rut of no appetites and just plain laziness - both of which have got to stop! I cooked a meal for the first time in about a month.

Recipe #1 - Baked Lemon Pasta

Recipe #2 - Parmesan-Crusted Tilapia - I used cayenne pepper instead of paprika. Golden idea!

I forgot to take a picture of the final product but don't worry. I had the exact same meal for leftovers the next day. Just add garlic and olive oil roasted green beans. :)

I finished preparing, cooking, eating the meal AND the dishes within 1.5 hours. Wow. That was exciting. Oh and I broke out the adorable ramekins Amanda got us! Gary has been dying to use them so I surprised him :)

I call "What's for Dinner {1}" a SUCCESS!

Pinteresting {1}

Pinterest has got my mind on fire. In a good way. I have sooooooooooooo many ideas rolling around up there and I cannot wait to start them. I have a few easy projects in mind to begin with.

1. I need to paint the frame. White or yellow? Or perhaps red, to accent the heart...I just don't know! What do you suggest?

2. I need to paint these too. I am thinking white for these. Or black.

3. I need a frame for this. and a picture. I'm thinking a pink frame. But I could use any color of marker used so this one might take awhile...

4. I'm not quite sure what to do with these (the wedding mad-libs). I figure pinterest will inspire me :)

5. I have 10-15 pounds to lose. I am at a solid 134 pounds which is completely fine but I'm normally between 120-125. I want to go back to that. Really, I want my pants to fit :) I figure with this and my daily 20 minutes of walking to and from work might be the trick.

6. Toms. They are so pretty. The End. Thank you pinterest for showing me the light.

Ideas 7-100 are still rolling around for now. They'll make an appearance at a later date :)

Project Baby Quilt {5, 6, 7}

I have been thrilled with my motivation for this project so far. Why? The main reason is that the last quilt I started is still not finished.

It's been three years.

I have not yet passed the point in this quilt that I was on in that last quilt so my next Project Baby Quilt update will be extra exciting. As long as I get there... :)

Here are the photos from my progress:

August 20 - I spent a few days mulling over the layout. I am a perfectionist in my mind but then I don't always follow through. I was worried that if I jump right in to sewing and then realize, "OOPS! there's five yellows in a row!" that I would be too lazy to do anything regardless of my mind going crazy about it. So I mulled. And it worked...for the most part. You'll see in later photos that the layout does in fact change.

August 25 - I sure did mull. I was nervous to start this part because I was worried that nothing would line up. In the end not many of the corners did, but oh wells. The next quilt can only get better, right? I'm still pleased though.

August 27 - The top is now done! I still have to sew on the green border but we're almost there.

I seem to have a lot of excitement coming up so I'm not sure when Project Baby Quilt will continue. Hopefully, I'll muster up some motivation on a weeknight when Gary is gone. My weekends seem to be full already!