

First Friday {4}

The "First Friday" blog post has made a comeback! Technically speaking, this is the 5th First Friday but August 5 was not a good day. It was the day after finding out that Emma had spina bifida. Gary and I were too scared to really enjoy anything. But alas, September's First Friday arrived and I had some pretty lofty dreams. I spent Friday figuring out everything I wanted to do/buy and created this list:

You can see I planned quite a few things :) I thought I could do all this while Gary was at work. To say I was excited is an understatement.

Gary and I then went to Hard Rock for our dinner date. We told each other that once his first pay check arrived, that is what we'd do. It was delicious. As was his paycheck. I'm so proud!!

With a long to-do/buy list looming, I gave Gary a ride to his first appointment. As I was driving away, it was then I realized that I FORGOT to take the debit card from him. I forgot. All my lofty dreams came to a screeching halt. Sad day. I didn't want to lose my motivation momentum so my list turned into this:

Not as much fun but as you can imagine, crossing these things off is quite nice.

Here are pictures to prove it :)

Notice that "shower" has yet to be crossed off. Normally, I would consider 3pm a little too late to even consider showering for the day. BUT. Gary, Gary's dad, and myself have plans to go to the Saint's game tonight. I'm excited. $1 beers. Bring it. I now have to go fetch some laundry so I can fully cross out LAUNDRY!! 6 loads is way too many. If I had more quarters, I'd make it 7. Oh wells.

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