

What a weekend.

I had to work a lot this past weekend. I knew going in that it was going to be tough on my energy level but boy did it tire me out! What I find so annoying about working nights is that despite being physical and mentally tired, I simply cannot fall asleep. So at 1am, I may still be awake. I feel bad for Gary who has to wake up super early every morning. It probably doesn't help that shows I love always seem to be on when I can't fall asleep...

Yesterday's problem though? Probably all the alcohol I got to try :)

We had a scheduled bartender training session after work last night. Yes, that meant we were going to have a late night but who could complain after being able to try 20+ cocktails! Sadly, the weather was a little iffy so the crowd was small but that just meant I could sip a bit more from those cocktails I loved...

Some of my favorites?

Bee's Knees
Mai Tai
Pomegranate Margarita
Mayan Hot Chocolate
Pink Rascal


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