

Bucket List {5} - Epic Fail!

To say I slacked off this month is an understatement. I really didn't follow any sort of schedule and had zero motivation except for one day where I made up 9 missed days in one night. I'm not quite sure what happened but I'll try to ease my way back in this month. Something I am SO VERY excited about it the free use of the WMC gym that I get with my employment. I want to utilize that to the highest degree!

Here's how my month ended up:

12,000 GOAL
    3,864 COMPLETED as of 1/31
8,136 LEFT TO COMPLETE by 10/31/12

Jan Average/Day = 29.0 Ouch. At least it wasn't my lowest average!
Dec Average/Day = 41.7
Nov Average/Day = 27.8
Oct Average/Day = 39.5

10,000 GOAL
     2,961 COMPLETED as of 1/31
   7,039 LEFT TO COMPLETE by 10/31/12

Jan Average/Day = 17.4 Epic Fail
Dec Average/Day = 30.2 SO CLOSE! I'll beat it next time.
Nov Average/Day = 22.1 Boo.
Oct Average/Day = 30.4

  10,000 GOAL
       1,935 COMPLETED as of 1/31
   8,065 LEFT TO COMPLETE by 10/31/12

Jan Average/Day = 23.2 Not bad considering...
Dec Average/Day = 25.5 KILLED IT!
Nov Average/Day = 12.3
Oct Average/Day = 20.4


  5,200 GOAL (in minutes)
     1,427 COMPLETED as of 1/31
   3,773 LEFT TO COMPLETE by 10/31/12

I had to get a pre-work screen/physical for my new job at the Hospital. I weighed in at 128. I'm happy that I've maintained a weight below 130 but disappointed that it wasn't closer to 125. I did slack off quite a bit this month so that's what I have to show for it I suppose. February is now my month to get back on track and to rev it up. Like I said before, I want to utilize the free gym at work and will devise a weekly workout plan to do just that. I'm excited!

My goal for February is to maintain the attitude of trying to beat my best average. To do that I will need to do at least the following each day:

Crunches - 25 reps twice a day (50 total)
Push ups - 20 reps twice a day (40 total)
Squats - 15 reps twice a day (30 total)

1 comment:

  1. I wouldn't say "epic fail" least you did some exercise! Some is better than none:)
