

Door Decor Craft Time {6} - Halloween....ish

With my growing belly comes a lack of energy or motivation. Thus the thought for such an easy door decor. It was my hope to have this up by the end of September but I'm not that far off - and with that, I didn't want this to be so overly Halloween this year. I know that once Halloween has past, this wreath will likely remain until I have energy to create something else. I'm thinking we'll do something for Mini Mr. Owen but we shall see. Any ideas for that are welcome because I have no clue at this moment what I'd do.

* felt - in whatever colors you'd like - I chose lime green, purple and orange
* one grapevine wreath
* scissors
* yarn for hanging
* glue gun/glue sticks

1. Cut out random-sized circles of felt - I went rather un-random as you can see below:

2. Cut little spirals for each circle and create a little flower. Hot glue the end to keep it all together. (Sorry, no photo of this part...)

3. Hot glue your little adorable flowers to the wreath.

4. Using the yarn, hang up the wreath!

 Happy Halloween-ish!

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