

Holiday Cheer 2014 {3} - Santa sightings!

I was really excited for Owen to meet Santa for the first time this year. Last year, when he was super duper tiny, cuddly and only three weeks old, he was asleep the entire time!

This year, Owen got to visit Mr. and Mrs. Clause twice and as it turns out, I was way more excited about it than he. Owen very rarely makes scared or is afraid to be held by someone. Apparently, Santa is one of those people that simply freaks him out.

The first visit was at the Strawberry Point Library and he was all like "Grandma! What are you trying to do to me? Don't make me do it!"

He then seemed to tolerate Santa for a hot second while Santa gave him his free book.

I was able to snap one decent, only slightly blurry photo. I count that as a win!

The second visit was a little more traumatic and involved some tears. Santa had a planned visit to daycare last Thursday but I knew once Owen woke up, the visit likely wouldn't go well. He doesn't often wake up super fussy, but this was one of those days. It was really nice to join Owen during his first half hour at daycare. I got to see how well he eats and plays with all his buddies.

When it came time to visit Santa, Owen did well watching all the other babies sit on Santa's lap. Though when it came time for Owen's turn and we walked up, his grip definitely tightened and the freak out began. I tried setting him down but he was NOT having it. I was able to sit next to Owen while the daycare director snapped a photo for me.

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