

Baby Jack {1st Birthday Recap!}

We celebrated Jack's birthday back in March and now that he's nearly 15 months, it's time to share his birthday party recap!

You all know we've been a wee bit busy so Gary and I went for the no fuss, no mess and no work route. I AM SO THANKFUL WE DID! I felt absolutely no pressure to clean the house and not having to prepare the food was such a blessing. I did make the cake but that was easy peasy and made the house smell delicious. I also had this weird obsessive desire to use a spring-form pan. I know, I'm a legit odd ball.

Unlike Owen's 1st Birthday Monster Bash, we didn't select a theme for Jack's 1st Birthday. I decided that we'll make up for that as they get older. I have my sights set on a few fun things!

Everyone was invited to join us at our local Pizza Ranch. We ordered a few different pizzas and their green beans which were a bit hit with the added bacon. I ordered those so that I could make sure the littles got their veggies but I'm glad to see that even the adults did as well :)

After pizza, we enjoyed cupcakes while Jack enjoyed his homemade birthday. It had a pretty thick layer of frosting which I later regretted - that's pretty much as far as he got but he seemed to love every bite of it.

Owen had a lot of fun too. The toys were a nice distraction so he didn't disrupt the presents as much as he normally does!

Happy Birthday, Jack! We love you to the moon and back!

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