

Holiday Cheer 2016 {4} Holiday Lights Magical Nights

One of the things we look forward to every year is driving through the Holiday Lights display in Decorah put on by Helping Services for Youth & Families. The Pulpit Rock campground is set up each year with TONS of light displays and it stays up from Thanksgiving through Christmas. Volunteers staff it each night as drivers pass through. They encourage you to turn your radio to a local station for Christmas tunes as you drive through and some nights, even Santa is there. They also ask for free-will donations. We've gone to this every year with Owen and Jack but this year we found out there was a walking tour as well!

We parked in the nearby parking area by the soccer fields and drove an Earl bus to the campground. The boys both freaked out a bit and cried but you would never know that. Owen constantly asks to go on a bus again. Weirdo! Once there, we were greeted by food and cookies. For whatever reason we decided to forgo the food and went straight for the cookies. Yes, that kept the boys busy but that was a mistake. We took the boys immediately after daycare that day and they are always very hungry at that time.

We managed to get a family photo before meltdowns began but holy moly, meltdowns they were. We learned our lesson so we'll do better next year but it was fun to see the displays while walking. Definitely will do that again next year as long as the weather cooperates!

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