

2017 Goals {3}

Anyone else find it hard to believe it's the last day of March? It's exciting that we are that much closer to nice, spring weather but it feels so crazy! Time doesn't stop!

You can read up on my past 2017 Goals updates here and here. It's really fun to see the progress I've made and cannot wait to continue! I suppose I don't want time to stop :)

GOAL #1 - Read
It has become more clear that I read faster when I am really interested in a topic. The second book I read was Zero Down Your Debt: Reclaim Your Income and Build a Life You'll Love by Holly Porter Johnson and Greg Johnson. It was a very quick, simple read and a lot of the information wasn't new to me. That being said, I really enjoyed it! The chapters were short, mostly to the point and had action items for you to do to overhaul your budget or debt repayment plans. The reason I read it was to gain more knowledge of a zero sum budget which is something we'll work towards when our debt is paid off. The premise is to put away enough money to cover the next month's expenses with last month's paychecks. It's pretty simple but you should wait until your debts are paid off so that you can devote your money to that versus saving it for a zero sum budget. You could certainly do it at the same time but we're doing fine with our current system so why rock the boat?

I've just started the next book and it's pretty interesting so far. April will be all about decluttering as I prepare for the garage sale so it's perfect timing!

And I of course have an update on my favorite author, Michael Connelly! His Amazon Prime show, Bosch, is releasing season 3 on April 21. I'll be binge watching that soon enough!

GOAL #2 - Control Finances Better
We didn't make much headway in the finances department, but we did finally get all of our exterior and interior plumbing updated. HALLELUJAH! Oh my goodness, that is probably the highlight of this month. It's been a long time coming and our basement is finally looking like less of a underground sewer. Yes it was disgusting. Now that it's been fixed, we'll be taking a hard look at our remaining debts to figure out a game plan. You know I love an aggressive reduction but it might not be as aggressive as I'd like. We'll do what we can.

GOAL #3 - Cook More, Cook Smarter
This has continued to be my most successful goal. I've had a lot of issues with eating well (proper portions, variety, etc) so it's been especially encouraging to see my commitment to this last. I didn't fair too well at the beginning of the month and it definitely showed. Gaining weight is so darn easy! I did however, jump right back in and feel great! I might not follow my prepping plan or eating plan 100% of the time, but I feel mentally stronger which is such a big thing for me. I feel better equipped to think about portion control or deciding it is in fact okay to eat a slice of cake once in awhile. I did switch it up a bit this last week. I was reading how someone had pasta for breakfast and was able to still lose extra weight after pregnancy. I latched on to that so fast because, heck yes, pasta for breakfast! I can eat it anytime.

For this particular week, breakfast was kale parsley pesto with whole grain thin spaghetti and lemon pepper rotisserie chicken, lunch was honey mustard chicken with steamed broccoli  and dinner was two eggs, turkey bacon and canned spinach. I've still been able to lose a little weight this week so that's pretty cool and I do actually like eating pasta for breakfast! I look forward to eating it right away when I get to work (I eat a little unsweetened applesauce before work). It keeps me full until at least noon-1pm which is when I typically like to take lunch anyway so it's worked out perfectly! Because I'm following the 21 Day Fix meal plan, I am only allowed 2 servings of carbs in addition to fruits (so I'm getting plenty overall for enough energy). However, I do feel a little limited if I eat both servings right away in the morning. I might change that up a bit or I might not. I like eating pasta for my carbs.

GOAL #4 - Form Healthy Habits
I've changed my whole outlook on this. I originally preferred to workout first thing in the morning and be productive during my lunch. I wasn't achieving either one and it was driving my crazy. I felt like a failure and then I'd just keep being a failure. I'd eat too much because I had already given up. I didn't workout because I'd rather do something else. Often times, I'd end up wasting my whole entire day. I feel at my worst when I am unproductive so this system was clearly not working for me.

Here's my schedule now: 
AM: I wake up whenever Owen decides to wake up, I get them ready, feed them a snack, get myself ready and eat a pre-breakfast snack/prepare our meals/snacks for work (yes, I said "our"! Gpsice is working out and eating better right along with me now!)

LUNCH: I eat my lunch, read for 30 minutes or more and often take a 30 minute walk around campus. I keep it inside if it's cold.

PM: We workout! I may get something else productive done or I might not but there is zero guilt!

I really like this schedule now because I'm being productive and/or efficient all day long! Productivity makes me happy, helps me feel whole so it's a win-win-win! I am eating well, I'm reading  more, and I'm working out more!

As I mentioned before, I didn't do so well at the beginning of the month. I had high expectations for myself, but I was seriously slacking. I jumped back on board two weeks ago and have done really well. On top of that, I've lost a total of 6.5 pounds! I've got a ways to go to meet my goal but that is such positive reinforcement. Gary is doing this with me too which is pretty exciting. He's been a great accountability partner for days I feel like wavering a bit. I'm letting him be a little more relaxed with his eating plan but it's what feels good to him.

We did come up with a pretty intense goal in relation to our birthdays though. From September 13, my birthday, to September 22, the day before Gary's birthday, we'll both be 30. So, we pledged together to lose 30 pounds (each) by September 18, the midway point between our birthdays.That was 26 weeks from when we decided to do this so that'd be about 1 pound a week. So far, we're doing well!

GOAL #5 - Travel
Can you believe I've changed my mind yet again? We have FINALLY decided that we are in fact going to go on a trip just the two of us at some point this year. We'll be taking the boys on a short overnight visit this summer which is probably as much as we'd like to handle in a hotel with them anyway!

What really swayed my decision was an adorable idea that Gary had. He wanted us to sit down and watch a bunch of videos on our vacation ideas. We then had to write down our likes and dislikes, review them, and then independently name our top 3 choices. We reviewed Charleston, Boston, DC, San Francisco, San Diego and New Orleans.

Our #3 was San Diego. We would LOVE to take the kids here someday too!

Our #2 was Boston. We would also LOVE to take the kids here. I'd love to go here now but it'd be much cooler with them so it's got to wait.

Our #1...........................................


Knowing how often I tend to change my mind on this issue, Gary said we had one month to think about this decision, come up with hesitations, and to fully commit. At this point, we're still holding strong so I think it's fair to say this is where we'll go! Perhaps we can time it to the end of our weight loss challenge!

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