

How to Reuse Broken Crayons

For all the mommies and daddies out there that have kids that would rather break the crayons than use them for coloring, this post is for you!

Both of our boys love a good box (because who doesn't, right?) so they each got one of the plethora of empty boxes we have in the house to use as their drawing pad. It was going well for a hot second before the first crayon broke. A few minutes later another broke. After I coached Owen not to push so hard it seemed to go okay for awhile. Or so I thought....

I got distracted for a minute and when I returned, Jack was just sitting there, breaking all of his crayons. He looked up at me and gave me a sheepish grin and I knew that I couldn't get upset. Instead, I decided to reuse them!

I didn't tell the boys what I was doing so it was fun to see their reactions when they got to help with the process. I will say though, that taking the paper off the crayons was ridiculously difficult. I finally broke out a little knife to help me out so that process took me awhile. Of course, the boys had proceeded to tear up their boxes and make a mess all over the house while I was busy :)

Once that first step is done, the rest is easy peasy!


  • broken crayons, paper removed
  • muffin pan
  • cupcake liners
First, preheat the oven to 350 degrees and line as many liners as you think you need. As the oven heats up, let the kids help fill the liners, 1/2 to 3/4 full. Place in oven for 5-10 minutes until fully melted. Let cool completely before using.

As you can tell, Owen didn't want to mix his colors but Jack was all over that. These kept the boys busy while I prepared lunch so it's a win in my book! 

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