

Owen {6 Years Old!}

Oh my goodness! We have a SIX YEAR OLD! I honestly cannot believe Owen was born six years ago. It has gone by so freakin' fast and it has been so much fun watching him grow and learn. He's certainly a fiesty little one who's too smart for his own good but we wouldn't have it any other way. Owen is at the age where he is remembering a lot and it's also really cute to tell him what he was like as a baby. No surprise, he was always smiling and talking then too!

Owen started Kindergarten this past August at a newly build elementary school. So far, our experience there has been amazing! I LOVE his teacher and all of the others that support Owen as he navigates his first year which has had it's ups and downs. That being said, Owen is super passionate which I absolutely love. He is obsessed with playing football, drawing and coloring, running really fast, singing along to songs he knows, eating ice cream, making silly faces, and Pokemon and wants to learn about Harry Potter. Gspice will have to help him with those last ones!

This kid really does love playing football and I've got to say, that scares me quite a bit. We are starting the boys in weekly swimming lessons that was supposed to start earlier this month but have gotten cancelled due to weather. My hope is that this will become his new love! Regardless, I am super excited for the boys to learn how to swim and be safe in the water; hopefully it'll be in time for our next trip to "the hotel with all the swimming pools" that we have planned as a surprise later this winter!

It's also worth noting that this kid LOVES dogs. Owen has no shame and will yell from across the street or even when we are really far away to ask if he can pet a dog and he loves to pet them and get licked. One day, this love of his may be enough for me to consider getting our family a dog but we're not quite there. Lucky for us, the apartment in Iowa City that we all lived in for two months had a TON of dogs so he certainly got his fill there! You'll notice a photo about half way through the line up below of a dog as tall as Owen and Owen not even flinching as the dog approaches him. Such a brave little boy!


Who is your favorite person in the whole world?  Jaxson (friend at school)

What is your favorite color? Hawkeye colors - black and yellow

What is your favorite television show? Game Master on YouTube

What is your favorite outfit? Police officer costume and workout clothes

What sport do you like best? Football

What song do you love?  Sunflower, Memories

Who is your best friend? Jaxson, Abbi

What do you want to be when you grow up?  Police officer

What are you really good at?  Catching and kicking footballs

Where do you wish you go could on vacation?  that place where all those swimming pools were at

What would you buy if you had $1000?  100 footballs

What vegetable do you love the most?  Cauliflower

What fruit do you love the most?  Oranges

What is your favorite flavor of ice cream? the chocolate kind in Decorah (from The Sugar Bowl) and the mango one from North Liberty (from Heyn's) 

Who is your biggest hero? Sam from the 6th grade (I think Sam is his high school friend though that he gets to meet with at school); I miss Ms. Darcy (from Sunflower)

What do you like to do with friends?  Play football

What do you hope you'll get to do before your next birthday?
 Get ice cream, kiss daddy, play football, make rubber band bracelets

What is your favorite toy?  Pikachu cards

What is your favorite stuffed animal?  Pikachu

What is your favorite thing to sleep with?  Star Wars keychain & Pikachu

What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?  Ham & cheese omelets, chocolate chip waffle

What is your favorite thing to eat for lunch?  Tacos in a chip bag 

What is your favorite dessert?  Cake

What is your favorite drink?  Grape juice

What do you want to eat for your birthday dinner?  Football cake, donuts

What is your favorite game?  He chose teams - the HAWKS!, Luther College, the Cubs

What is your favorite thing to do outside? Football, run with basketball, scooter, run

Of course, his yearly update isn't complete without picture overload!

Happy 6th Birthday, Owen!!!

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