

The Almost Day at Pinters {2019}

If you've been around here for awhile, you know that we have an annual day of fun at Pinters in Decorah, Iowa. We've been going there with family before we even had any kids and there have been highs and lows between weather, moods, emotions, etc but it's always fun and I LOVE to look back at previous photos. Last year was really special to me because we had recently finalized the closing of our home in Decorah so I look forward to going back any chance I get. #ireallymissdecorah 

We first attempted our 2019 trip to coincide with my niece's birthday party. We thought this would be a good way to let the kids work off some energy before the party/lots of driving time. There was a threat of rain but we thought it would stop by the time we got there. We drove the 2.25 hours up from North Liberty and sadly, the rain had not stopped yet upon our arrival. Instead, we had to figure out what to do indoors on a short notice with 6 littles. Because we don't live in Decorah anymore, it felt weird to have to come up with something indoors. We opted to take them to the bowling alley and I'd say it went relatively well. Of course, it was bright and sunny when we left to get ice cream from Sugar Bowl. Then it was off to the birthday party! It was a fun day for the kiddos but I was still sad we couldn't go to Pinters as we originally planned. As for my kiddos' behavior - it was a strugglebus to say the least...

Did we make it to Pinters in 2019???? Thankfully, yes we did but you'll need to tune in next week for those fantastic photos! Below are few photos from our "Almost Day at Pinters!"

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