

Door Decor Craft Time {5} - Back to School!

Going back to school was ALWAYS something I looked forward to. I loved buying new supplies and having everything be fresh and clean. I loved getting back to a routine and yes, I even loved having homework again.

Go ahead and say it - I was a nerd.

Needless to say, this door decor has been on my radar for awhile. This particular decor, no. I actually had something else in mind but that'll come another time. I decided to go with something a little cuter and so much easier than my original plan and boy that made my day. From start to finish, it probably took only 30 minutes. Craft time in an half hour? Yes, please!

 This may even be my most favorite door decor to date!

* 1 large quilt hoop
* 1 small quilt hoop
* 2 packs of crayons
* ribbon
* glue gun/glue sticks

1. Line up the quilt hoops so the small hoop is in the middle of the large hoop.
2. Lay out your crayons in the order you want them placed.
3. For each crayon, place one spot of glue on the small hoop and one on the large hoop. Then place crayon.
4. Have all crayon bottoms touch and leave space near the tips. This will create a little sunburst.
5. Leave room for a ribbon so you can hang it up.


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