It is no secret that we've got a busy boy. Owen absolutely loves to roam and crawl about, reach for things that are quite often way out of reach, climb over low items like a box of diapers or a tub of clothes he's outgrown. Owen's arms are crazy strong - he'll latch on to one side of these things and pull his entire tiny body up and over. We've been lucky that we've caught him before he falls over the other side! He's not yet walking independently but he's getting very good at walking along with support.
One realllly fun development is his more deliberate babbling. We heard lots of "D"s and "B"s along with all the growling, yelping and squealing Owen loves to do. Another absolutely adorable development is what we call "fishy kisses!" It's actually just when he smacks his lips but he'll do this on demand too. It most often happens when he eats yogurt but he'll mimic me if I'm really close to him too.
Much like the past couple of months, Owen chews on e.v.e.r.y.t.h.i.n.g. His fingers, every single toy, books, corners of boxes, my fingers, bottle nipples, spoons, the list goes on and on. Thus, it should be no surprise that Owen has sprouted two more teeth! The two upper lateral incisors popped through and poor Owen, he felt every bit of it. Cutting teeth is no joke! He hasn't been eating quite as much and I'm pretty sure he's working on at least 2-3 more! I can't quite tell - his chewing is getting farther in to his mouth so it might be the canines. I guess we shall see!
He is so adorable! Glad I got to see him!