

Little Mr. {9 Months}

No apologies this time. Life happens and Owen's monthly updates will be reallllly late. I've comes to terms with it :)

This was an awesome month. Owen has done so many new things,  it's hard to keep up. I've tried keeping notes so hopefully I won't miss sharing anything! Owen began swimming across the floor in mid July and would occasionally raise his belly. The crawling came soon after on July 31. We've got a VERY active little one. He gets in to everything he can get his hands on so for now, we keep him pretty contained in our living room. Baby proofing will come eventually for the rest of the house. Owen can also pull himself up into the standing position with anything stationary. He'll often try pulling himself up on things that are not all that sturdy and he'll come tumbling down. Does that deter him? Not in the least bit. If anything, it makes him even more determined to stand up. Perhaps the most adorable new development is Owen's little baby clapping. It barely makes a sound but it's so darn cute.

One more baby tooth has sprouted - the lower left central incisor came on July 26. More runny noses, a few nights of resisting sleep and infant tylenol and lots of slobber. Oh the joys of parenthood :) His two little teeth are adorable though! He likes to roll his tongue over them and chew on EVERYTHING. I had a dream recently that he got all his teeth at once. That was a scary dream but really, that wouldn't be so bad...

I decided to buy a few baby food bottles so that I could give Owen a bit more variety. I figure at this point, it's not so terrible to buy a jar of spaghetti for 70 cents. I also bought some puffs for him to work his pincher grasp. He hasn't quite mastered that yet but doesn't seem to like the puffs either. He'll  allow me to put them in his mouth but he'll promptly spit it out and then have it stuck on his hand for the rest of his meal.

Who else was eagerly awaiting Owen's nine month check-up? Just me? Ok, fine. I'll admit I'm a little crazy. Imagine how disappointed I was with that scale I bought at Target. It kept weighing Owen at 4.5 lbs. I don't think so! Finally got that returned even though Peaches had chewed a massive hole in the box. Here are Owen's long & lean stats!

9-Month Appointment (8/25/2014)
Weight: 17 lb 6 oz
Height: 27 3/4 in

6-Month Appointment (5/19/2014)
Weight: 15 lb 8 oz
Height: 26 inches

4-Month Appointment (3/18/2014)
Weight: 13 lb 1 oz
Height: 25 1/2 in

3-Month-Mommy-wants-a-weight-check Appointment (2/18/2014)
Weight: 11 lb 5 oz
Height: 24 in

2-Month Appointment (1/14/2014)
Weight: 10 lb 9 oz
Height: 22 7/8 in

2-Week Appointment (12/2/2013)
Weight: 7 lb 12 oz
Height: 21 in

Newborn (11/16/2013)                  
Weight: 7 lb 9 oz           
Height: 20 1/4 in

Part of the reason this post took a little longer (you know, besides the fact that I've been lazy) is that Owen was teething and got a cold at the same time. He was rather fussy (& dirty!) for a solid 7-9 days so I didn't want to subject him to a mini photoshoot.

Catch up on Owen's First Year!

1 comment:

  1. He is such a handsome little boy!! Can't wait to see him! Looks like he's going to need a haircut soon! :)
