
Marry Me?

This is perhaps the cutest proposal. EVER.


The soon-to-be-OURS home!

Gary and I have purchased a home! We're nearing the end of the process so it's still not a 100% done deal but I'd say we're 98% there. Our closing & possession date is June 29. Gary and I both have a few days off to paint and vacuum and move everything in. We also bought us some furniture today. That's expected to be delivered on Monday, July 2. Get excited!!

Here are some pictures I took during our first tour and the inspection.

pretty purple front door!!

living room - main floor

in the dining/sitting room, looking in to the living room

sitting area - this is probably where we'd have the dining table. maybe.

their table - i'm thinking a desk of some sort.


kid's play room :-) how cute

basement - great place for storage


bathroom - 2nd floor

kid's room - they've got two boys

the mr. & mrs. suite

looks like room for a really cool DIY show piece

down the stairs to the front door. the end.

I've been thinking about paint color for awhile now and we're leaning towards painting ALL the trim in the place white and having various shades of cream. We, however, bought pewter colored living room furniture. In our forever home, we want various shades of grey so that'd be perfect but I may need to make a slipcover for now...I seem some funky patterns in our future!

Here's a picture of the furniture we bought - one couch and two of the accent chairs. no tables or decor. I wasn't sold on the accent fabric but we both LOVED the chair itself. Sold.

We also bought a mattress. a pretty, pretty new KING-size mattress. Who's excited? MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!! No more hogging the bed, Gary Spice!

Oh and did I mention we saved many, many, MANY dolla billz because of the Memorial Day Sales. Thanks Slumberland!


Rumour Has It

I worked the Luther Senior Send Off event at the Hotel on Thursday and what a great surprise - they booked a band! They were Goodnight Argent from Washington and were a really fun group. Made the shift that much better! And the food? Seriously.AMAZING.

Here's a cover song of theirs I really like:

Rumour Has It

Lovely Day with the Husband.

Gary and I discussed what we wanted our Sunday to look like late Saturday night. I was excited but thought that we might be too tired or lazy to actually go through with any of it. Gary barely got six hours of sleep and I, myself, didn't get the most pleasured night of rest, but little did I know, we were QUITE productive. It has turned out to be such a lovely day with the husband!

First up - Breakfast at our favorite spot - Ruby's!

Next up - Picture Snapping at Dunning Springs!

Lastly - we headed to Phelps Park for more pictures....

and fun :-)


and PS - we trapped Chloe in to some pictures!

What else have we done today, you ask? We've finished half of our First Time Home Buyer Education program! Go us!


Pretty Puppies

Hunter and Chloe are so darn cute sometimes. I love taking pictures of them when they look so cute. Unfortunately for them, they are absolutely terrified of my new camera (and really, everyone's camera). Why on earth do they need to be so camera shy??

Here are some of the photos I was able to capture with my new camera. Gary had to hold her down...

Do I love my new camera so far? Holy cow, yes. YES.


New Favorite Photo-Editing Website!!!


BEFORE picmonkey magic

AFTER picmonkey magic

PS: this camera bag is currently for sale. It's just too big for my purposes right now. Let me know if you're interested! Asking $50 for this BRAND-NEW camera bag.


Yeah I Am.

I'm Sexy and I Know It.

Yeah buddy.