
keep yo hand off my momma, keep yo hand off my doritos.

I'm PISSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSED at the state of Illinois.  Very, very upset.  More upset than I've been in a really long time.  I mean legitimately peeved.

Why? They won't let me get my alcohol.

More precisely, Jewel, at which I buy all of my Chicago groceries, would not accept my ID which clearly states that I am 22, almost 23 years old.  Yet, because I have not gotten a new ID, it still says "Under 21 until 9/13/08" on it.  My ID doesn't expire until 9/13/10 so why would I go out and get a new one?  And why given that I am OVER 21 YEARS OF AGE do they NOT accept my ID?  Who knows...

I instead stomped over to the liquor store and got me some beer.  Thank goodness.

Now I can watch the SUPER bowl with my blue moon in hand. :)

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